Pic de l'infern

Pic de l'infern
Ascension to the more rugged peaks of the area where we will enjoy a fantastic view of the Carança lake and its surroundings.
Leaving the shelter Coma de Vaca and follow up to the cabin Freser Tirapits (Coma de Vaca, lakes Carançà-Coma de Vaca). Let the red and white or yellow and turn off the GR-11 going north to find the ridge that separates the border waters of the river Freser Carançà. Once on the ridge, we head northeast to the right leaving a scarp of limestone gray. During the 5-minute ascent becomes air, although easier if we go the route we should put our hands to climb.
Raffled this obstacle we have only short 5 minutes of effort to reach the summits of the most interesting area. The return to the shelter Coma de Vaca we will repeat the way you came or follow the GR-11 to the pass and down the valley Carançà Coma de Vaca (Cow-lakes of Coma-Coma de Vaca Carançà) .